Friday, October 14, 2011

The Banquet - A Different View

I know some of you have read my previous blogs about the Great Banquet spiritual retreat and how I was so excited to be a sponsor to some lovely ladies, but this particular note will be from the view of a Team member.

I was very, very blessed to be asked to be a part of the team hosting the Great Banquet retreat this year. I was placed as a table leader with a fabulous bunch of young women who have all worked themselves nicely into my heart and prayers. There were weeks of training sessions, but I just gotta say that each and every moment of the training and the retreat were amazing in so many different ways.

This fall I was also sponsor to a beautiful, struggling, daughter of God. I had not known this woman for very long, but in our brief conversations, God laid it on my heart to invite her and I felt that she truly was aching to know God's love. She was so excited to be invited that she accepted almost immediately.

On the evening we left, I explained a few things that would take place over the weekend. I also noted to her that at the end of the weekend she would have the opportunity to give her testimony of her three-day experience. Her response, "No. I don't talk in front of people. I won't do it." I assured her this was no problem and she was not pressured to do anything she didn't want to do.

We completed the first night in silence and gathered for worship and breakfast the first morning. In the morning, we heard three wonderful talks. At lunch, my tired-looking friend said, and I quote, "I can't do this anymore. I have to sleep." So she snuck off to take a nap and skipped lunch. By the evening she was perkier and laughing with the ladies at her table.

Saturday morning, up again early for breakfast. She was laughing, joyful and had made some strong friendships with her roommates and tablemates. We enjoyed another full morning of talks and then shared lunch together. Around this time, we also celebrated the sacrament of holy communion and a powerful event, giving our heaviest burdens to Christ. This was, of course, and emotion-packed and tear-filled time. And it was at that moment, when she laid that burden on the Savior's shoulders, she was a different person. I was in awe of the power of the Holy Spirit working in her and in all the women who shared the experience.

Although she was tired and wanted to nap, her spunky roommate was determined to keep her moving and they strolled through the woods at the campground. That afternoon seemed as if every care in the world seemed to be lifted from her heart. She was smiling nonstop the rest of the weekend and as I was chatting during a break with her table leaders, one said (with a roll of the eyes in my friends direction), "There's great things happening right here!" I knew exactly what she meant because I could see her transforming into the joyous woman she was created to be.

Sunday, the last day of the Great Banquet, can be a rather long exhausting day. The emotions of the first two days can take it's toll on you, making you feel drained and tired. But my friend was perkier than I have ever seen her.

At the end of the day, each woman in attendance receives a cross bearing the words, "Christ has chosen you". Each beautiful daughter of God receives there cross and then exits the chapel into the arms of those waiting in the receiving line of table leaders and speakers. I will never, ever forget when she came through the door, arms held high over her head and shouting WOO! HOO! That moment,is forever etched in my mind.

Upon returning to the main conference room, approximately 150 people were waiting to celebrate these beautiful ladies. Now remember, she had said earlier she would not speak in front of people. However, as the number dwindled to two or three left who had not shared their testimony, I could see her head bobbing up and down trying to get my attention. And then, I saw her mouth the words "will you go with me?" I was on my feet in and instant.

Arm in arm we walked to the podium. She grasped the wooden handcross so tightly I was sure it would be forever embedded in her hand. As her entire body shook and tears streamed down her face, she laid her heart out for the Great Banquet community. Her roommate came up and together we held her tight, lending our strength to keep her standing. I was so incredibly proud of her and in awe of the Holy Spirit that had called her to stand and speak. And THIS, is another memory forever in my mind.

As we packed up our rooms, hugged and loved on our new friends and headed to the car she turned to me and said "I feel floaty!". I just giggled. I had never really thought about how I would explain the end of the weekend feeling, but 'floaty' just seemed to sum it up.

We recently had dinner and over our fried pickles she said, "I still feel floaty". I just love to hear things like that. I am thankful that I could have a small part in setting her afloat in God's unconditional love and grace and I am grateful that I was asked to be a part of the team.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Energy of Youth

The Energy of Youth

Today is Saturday, April 2. My sisters-in-law are at the Great Banquet this weekend and I am just about going crazy wondering how they are doing and if it is all they hoped it would be. I can hardly wait for tomorrow so I can hear all about it!

Today I served daycare duty as part of my responsibility of being sponsors for the ladies. It was my pleasure really. Having my two nieces, ages 10 and 11, and my nephew, age 5, is always a joy. We rarely see them on 'our turf' so it was a lot of fun having them here at our house.

The energy of children always amazes me. I picked them all up around 9 a.m. and I don't think they ever stopped moving the entire time they were here, which therefore kept us moving nonstop as well.

Upon their arrival the big topic was the cats (we have two). Velvis is very friendly and Sid....not so much. He sees strangers in his house and he hides under the bed until the coast is clear. This was a huge fascination for Nathan. It was his mission to find the cat so we searched under ever bed, making a big expedition of it even though I knew exactly where he was. Once we found him, the fun really began.

With flashlight in hand, we must have made 30 trips down the hall so Nathan could check on the cat and see his orange eyes shining in the reflection of the flashlight. He had to show each of us multiple times and each time he embellished his guided tour with noises and exaggerated movements. It was priceless and exhausting. Poor Old Sid, as if he wasn't scared enough, sat quietly under the bed toleraing the bright lights repeatedly ~ bless his heart.

Abby and Katie spent a few minutes writing a letter to their moms for me to take to the Great Banquet tonight and then off to the park we went. Kids climbing everywhere, sliding, running, throwing rocks (ugh) and only one minor injury. They even got Aunt Kathy to go down the slide (a tight fit for a 46 year old with the...shall we say...wider bottom than the average 10-year old!). And Uncle Tom was up on the swinging bridge in no time demonstrating his prowess likes a champ.

Once we arrived back at the homestead I was starving so I cranked up the oven and proceeded to make a gourmet feast of chicken nuggets and mini-tacos. Nathan and Tom went outside to play golf. That is, hit an old golf ball around the yard. Nathan was really impressed when Tom hit that golf ball waaaaayyyyyy far away out in the field. Now what makes this particularly funny is that he wanted to Tom to go out into the field to get it! He was explaining it all to me when he turned to Tom and said, "I'll help you. You go up that big hill and I'll watch you." hahaha. We were both chuckling at that.

Before I knew it, I looked out in the back yard and Tom, bless his heart, had Nathan by the hand and they were headed out into the field. Katie, Abby and I just munched on tacos and watched them from the nice warm dining room. They kept going and going and going. I could see Nathan's hands and arms moving wildly like he was telling some great story on this adventure with his Uncle Tom. They grew smaller and smaller the farther out they went.

About 45 minutes later they started heading back in. Nathan's arms were still flailing crazily while they walked. I'm sure he talked Tom's ear off on that journey out and back.

Finally, they arrived back at the house and Nathan was so excited that they found that tiny golf ball. Tom eventually 'fessed up that he took a decoy ball to throw out there in case they didn't find the original. He's a smart man! But eventually they did find the original.

At around noon, we finally had completed our nugget-taco food fest and it was time for YiYi (that's grandma in the Rygh house) to arrive and what do you think was the first thing Nathan wanted to show her? You guessed it, the orange kitten hiding under the bed!

It was a fun morning and a great reminder of why God gives us children when we're young. Their energy is infectious but I was really thankful that I had the opportunity to take a nap this afternoon.

We love you Abby, Katie and Nathan! Can't wait til you come to play with us again.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Getting Ready for the Banquet

It is a painfully quiet day in the office today. Doc is in a different office and Heather is out to school this afternoon so it's just me and you. Being the social and talkative person that I am, these days in 'solitary' are killer for me. On the other hand, I get the opportunity to have some quiet time so my brain can actually function properly for a short while.

Today I really do not want to be working. I am so excited and wound up I can barely stand it. This evening marks the beginning of the Great Banquet weekend for many beloved, beautiful area women. Seventy-two hours of blissful reflection and relationship with God. Now, I am not attending this weekend retreat but I am sponsoring three wonderful ladies(2 of which are my sisters-in-law) on this heartwarming, heart-renewing weekend getaway. I'm not sure what I would be doing if I weren't here at the office, I just know I can't stand sitting here today. I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve! I can't wait for it to get here.

Last year was my first, and only, spiritual retreat experience. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. All I knew is that after three or four invitations to attend, my pastor was not going to quit asking me until I finally gave in and said yes 'just to get it over with.' So together with a friend, we made it to the Great Banquet #91 in the spring of 2010. The weekend was far beyond anything I could have imagined. I wish I had been invited and attended sooner.

The Banquet was an amazing experience as a guest, but for me it is almost more exciting as the sponsor. Remembering all those special, God-filled, liberating and sustaining moments, the wonderful food, the new friendships and the surprises that were encompassed in those precious 72 hours just gets me giddy. Knowing how I came out a changed person with a renewed sense of God's love and His direction for my life makes me wish Sunday would hurry up and get here so I can hear all about it!

One more look at the clock reveals it is nearly 3 pm. Three short hours until we load the car and press on to the campground they will call home for the next three days. Three more hours until I stand hand-in-hand with them and pray for their walks with God. Three more days until I get to hear about their weekend experience!

Please join me today in saying a prayer for the women who will attend this retreat, for those who work to make it happen, and above all, in thanksgiving to our God who has made it all possible.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here's to My Health!

Well, once again I have taken on the challenge to quit smoking. Last Friday I woke up and just decided that was the day and that's all there is to it. I smoked my final cigarette before the challenge at 11:25 a.m. while heading out to lunch.

This is not the first time I have started down this road, only to fall into a huge pot hole that I refused to climb out of. Several years back I quit successfully for several months until that trip to Las Vegas. Good grief! Have you ever walked through a casino full of smoke when you're trying to quit? To say that I wanted a cigarette would be a major understatement. I tried holding my breath and walking faster through it all to no avail. It was everywhere! Not to mention that those casinos are huge and I certainly would've passed out long before reaching a door and some fresh air. I finally caved. And when I say caved, I mean crumbled like a cave made of toothpicks in a tornado. On the second day there I searched the enormous place and finally located a shop where I promptly laid down $15 for ONE back of cigarettes and a lighter. Heaven forbid anyone might have gotten in my way or someone could've gotten hurt. Oh, and by the way, that lovely $5 Bic lighter stayed in Vegas because I wasn't able to take it onto the plane in my purse. Ugh.

In 2009 I decided to start the journey again. This time for my future grandchildren. My first grandchild was due in January 2010 and I really didn't want to be the grandma that was hacking, coughing and out of breath all the time. I had done pretty good for about 8 weeks or so and then I got the call that Sami was in labor. Well, I'm here to report that the stress and excitement of that morning got the better of me and off to the Kwik-E Mart I went for batteries for the camera and a pack of cigarettes. I smoked myself stupid all the way to the hospital and every chance I had in between contractions. I gained a beautiful granddaughter that day, but I also gained that darned habit back.

It is now March of 2011. I've been having some minor health issues since last fall. So, like most web-savvy folks, I jumped online and headed to Web MD to diagnose myself after not getting anything definitive from my doctor. Researching my various symptoms led to a few different things, but the one that most closely matched had no 'cure'. There were things you could try to alleviate symptoms and flare-ups and of course, quitting smoking and giving up coffee were high on the list. So I thought, what the heck? I'll see if it helps and since both of those things are super-high on my bad habits list, I chose the one that I am restricted, by law, from doing indoors in the state of Illinois.

Today is day four. I will admit that I have cheated. I cannot seem to part with that first one of the day. At this point, I have had three cigarettes since my journey began. Cheating? Yes. But three in four days is better than 40 in the same period of time, which is where the journey began last week.

Baby steps....and prayer. I pray every day that God will help me fend off this evil habit and lead me to a healthier lifestyle.

I am on my way. My health is already improving and my symptoms are fewer. Will I cheat tomorrow? Only God knows. I will kick the smoking habit! Coffee, on the other hand, is here to stay.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am sure it's not just me. There's got to be others out there. You know, those who wake up on Sunday morning and just wanna stay in bed our lounge around in sweats all day instead of going to church?

Well I had that kind of feeling today. I really just felt like crawling back under the covers and returning to my vegetative state but then I gave myself a pep talk and crawled out of bed. After all, I was co-hostess of a bridal shower this afternoon and would've felt guilty skipping church and then just showing up at the shower. Like the old school days when we played sick to get out of school but then wanted to go to the basketball game that night. Ahhh, the good old days.

Thank heavens for those little pep talks. I would have missed a really great "God moment" if I had stayed home.

First off, the sanctuary was full today. I just love that. We had quite a few gone over the past couple of weeks with spring break and family vacations but most were back in their usual spots this morning. There's comfort in knowing that all of your family is together in one place and safe.

The soft music of the prelude concluded and pastor stepped forward to welcome everyone to worship. We took a brief moment of silence and then began our prepare-for-worship song, "Open Our Eyes Lord". This one of my favorite songs of all time. I just love the simple tune, the easy words and a message that just leaves you wanting no - expecting - something great to come. And this morning, for me, the great thing did indeed come.

The congregation started to sing and I just got chills and God-bumps. It was incredible. So many voices, familiar with the tune, singing confidently and expectantly. As I sat there in the pew I closed my eyes and just listened. I was so absorbed in the sound of all of those voices coming together and asking God to open our eyes and ears and inviting the very presence of God to fill us that I could not sing myself. I just had to listen. I was compelled to sit quietly and just let the chorus of voices surround me, fill me, lift me and carry me away. It was a truly amazing God moment.

Now, if I had given in to my own whining about getting out of my nice warm bed, taking a shower and leaving the house, I would have missed that heavenly choir of voices. I would have missed my God moment!

So next time you're convinced that staying home is a better option, give yourself a peptalk and remember: You might miss your God moment! So get out of bed!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ahhhh, the weekend.

As this week draws to a close and the weekend is here, it feels good to reflect on all that was accomplished in this week.

It was a doctor-less week in the office, which often can be quite boring, but this week was full, full, full! Bless the good doc's heart - he left us a 'to do' list. Heather and I diligently trudged through forms and files, tracked down insurance claims, painted the office and did spring cleaning. Honestly, I think that she and I will need next week off as vacation.

On top of the work routine, I attended my Diakonia class on Tuesday evening. I just love these classes. It's a great time of fellowship and growth. The pastor currently teaching our Creeds and Confessions class is young and she is a hoot. We have great discussion, laughs and food. Even though the drive is long and the night is late, I look forward to being with this group to get me centered and fill me up.

Wednesday evening was our soup supper and Lenten service at church followed by a great new book study on the Centered Life. Again, another great opportunity to be filled up with the Holy Spirit and fellowship with my church family.

On Thursday morning, I played hooky from work a few hours and had breakfast out with a friend followed by a little shopping for a bridal shower we are hosting this weekend. It always surprises me how renewed I feel after spending time with a friend sharing laughter and crazy stories. I am thankful that we are able to squeeze these times into busy schedules occasionally. It seems, sadly enough, that as we go through our day-to-day work, family, school and home routines that our friendships sometimes fall by the wayside. And like all relationships, they need to be nurtured and jump started every now and then. Thank you, Sue, for the fun Thursday morning.

And speaking of relationships, tomorrow my hubby and I are having a date! Woo Hoo! You see, he works midnights and I work days. We see each other briefly every morning long enough for a 'how was your night?' a quick kiss and I'm out the door to my job for the day. In the evening, it's the reverse when he heads out, kisses me good night and I go to bed. Nurturing this relationship takes some careful planning and sometimes sacrifice. We both just love to snatch every opportunity to have our granddaughter for an evening or overnight, but I had to decline one such opportunity this weekend in order to spend one whole day with my husband. I have no idea what we are going to do (probably dinner and grocery shopping lol) but I know we need to have this time together to get reacquainted and maybe have a conversation more than 30 seconds long!

Sunday morning will be church and in the afternoon is the bridal shower for a good friend who will be married in May. Tom will be off to bed in the afternoon since he has to work again on Sunday night.

Monday morning will bring reality back in full force, sort of like a tsunami after the earthquake. We will be busy, busy, busy this week after doc's vacation, but hey, that's the price we pay for any of us having time off.

I pray for you all the relaxation of a day off of work and running, renewal and rejuvenation in lazy Saturday and the fulfilling grace and love our Jesus Christ on Sunday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Chaos of Change

Why is change so darned difficult? I mean really, you just get the hang of things, you've got a nice life flow, a nice 'system' in place and then BAM! - it's time to change....again!

I work for a podiatrist, a very good one I might add, and a wonderful Christian man. In fact, this is my second time around working for this fabulous doctor and for the life of me I don't know why I decided the grass was greener on the other side, but, well....I digress.

For the time that he's been in the area he has been an independent practitioner with a good, solid but not overwhelming, patient base. There are three employees plus the doctor in our little office family. Things have been going nicely, the practice is growing, word-of-mouth brings many people to seek his care and we (the staff) have been openly praised for our compassionate and skilled care. We rarely, if ever, run behind schedule and we pride ourselves on maintaining this high quality environment.

As of March 1, we have merged into a medical 'group'. We are still us, just part of a larger entity that will be bring greater benefit to the employees and unity to the multiple physicians in taking on Medicare and other insurance companies. So needless to say, big changes are underway and like a lot of people, I don't particularly care for change.

A good friend of mine recently suggested we eliminate the word change from our thinking and suggested instead the word transform or transformation. Hearing this particular word, for me, brought a sense of peace and seemed to ease the stress just a bit. It just didn't seem so hard to transform. Transformation seems more gradual, something we can ease into gently. I like it. I think I'll keep it.

So today while working on some of the various transformations taking place in the office, I tried to imagine myself in the caterpillar-coccoon-butterfly image. In the past, in my caterpillar stage, I roamed aimlessly (well, it seemed thath way sometimes) through a job or jobs. I tested this, nibbled on that, and tried different things; always looking for that one thing that was right for me in a place that was right for me.

When I landed in my current position (for the second time) I reached my coccoon stage. A very comfortable, warm and cozy, safe place. I am good at what I do, I love our patients, I love my boss and I have great friends through my work. A comfy coccoon indeed.

And then I went to a spiritual retreat in the spring of 2010 and that is when the coccoon started to crack. I suddenly felt pulled, called and drawn to be something more. I was being called to transform somehow. I imagine that this is about the time that the discussions began for forming the medical group. I began a two-year journey of spiritual development, I accepted calls to serve on the council at church, I have been filled with the Holy Spirit and launched into learning what the Lord thinks I need in order to equip me to fulfill my duties in His kingdom.

Today at the office, my mind was being overwhelmed by the information and the details of what this new transformation in my work world will entail. I wonder how God is calling us - the doctor and the staff, to serve differently, better and in harmony with others who also share the call to care for God's people. I have to keep reminding myself that we are transforming ourselves into what He calls us to be. He is calling us to break out, be bold and be transformed into something beautiful.

My personal and professional wings are beginning to emerge like the first flowers of spring bursting through the cold ground. The transformation into butterfly has started in ernest. The days ahead are filled with uncertainty but one thing is clear: God is walking the journey right beside us and He will be there as I/we spread our wings and take flight and move out to transform the world.